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出口 大輔

協力教員 (出口研究室 准教授)

メール: ddeguchi ( a t ) nagoya-u.jp

WWW: http://www.murase.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~ddeguchi/

Dr. Daisuke Deguchi received his BEng and MEng in Engineering and PhD in Information Science from Nagoya University, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2006, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor in Information Strategy Office, Nagoya University, Japan. He is working on object detection, segmentation, and recognition from videos, and their applications to ITS technologies, such as detection and recognition of traffic signs.


    Category-level object pose estimation in heavily cluttered scenes by generalized two-stage shape reconstructor
    Hiroki Tatemichi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase
    IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.33440-33448, March 2024.
    Computational measurement of perceived pointiness from pronunciation
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(9), pp.26183-26210, March 2024.
    Correction to: Computational measurement of perceived pointiness from pronunciation
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(9), pp.26211-26212, March 2024.
    Detection of birds in a 3D environment referring to audio-visual information
    Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Baidong Chu, Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc Aurel Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Daisuke Deguchi
    Proc. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS2022), December 2022.
    Intuitive Gait Modeling using Mimetic-Words for Gait Description and Generation
    Hirotaka Kato, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takahiro Komamizu, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp.240-245, August 2022.
    Active learning for human pose estimation based on temporal pose continuity
    Taro Mori, Daisuke Deguchi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Tetsuo Inoshita
    Int. Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT) 2022, Proc. SPIE, Vol.12177, 121772G, pp.1-6, May 2022.
    Towards Detecting Birds from Panorama Video Aided by Sound Source Localization
    Baidong Chu, Chihaya Matsuhira, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Daisuke Deguchi
    IEICE Technical Report (MVE), 121(423), pp.60-64, March 2022.
    Towards detecting birds from panorama video aided by Sound Source Localization
    Baidong Chu, Chihaya Matsuhira, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Daisuke Deguchi
    電子情報通信学会メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎研究会, March 2022.
    Active learning for human pose estimation based on temporal pose continuity
    Taro Mori, Daisuke Deguchi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Tetsuo Inoshita
    2022 Int. Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), January 2022.
    Imageability- and Length-Controllable Image Captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin’Ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.162951-162961, November 2021.
    Imageability- and Length-Controllable Image Captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin’Ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.162951-162961, November 2021.
    Imageability- and length-controllable image captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin'ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, November 2021.
    Soft-boundary label relaxation with class placement constraints for semantic segmentation of the railway environment
    Yuki Furitsu, Daisuke Deguchi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Hiroki Mukojima, Nozomi Nagamine
    Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.150, pp.258-264, October 2021.
    Soft-boundary label relaxation with class placement constraints for semantic segmentation of the railway environment
    Yuki Furitsu, Daisuke Deguchi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Hiroki Mukojima, Nozomi Nagamine
    Pattern Recognition Letters, October 2021.
    Pointedness of an Image: Measuring How Pointy an Image is Perceived
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    Proceedings of HCII 2021, Vol.37, pp.137-144, July 2021.
    Pointedness of an image: Measuring how pointy an image is perceived
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc Aurel Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    HCI International 2021 -Posters, 23rd HCI Int. Conf., HCII2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, Procs., Part I, Constantine Stephanidis, Margherita Antona, Stavroula Ntoa eds., Communications in Computer and Information Science, July 2021.
    Tell as you imagine: Sentence imageability-aware image captioning
    Kazuki Umemura, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    27th Int. Conf. on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2021), Vol.2, pp.62-73, June 2021.
    Tell as you imagine: Sentence imageability-aware image captioning
    Kazuki Umemura, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    MultiMedia Modeling -27th Int. Conf., MMM2021, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-24, 2021, Procs., Part II, Jakub Lokoč, Tomáš Skopal, Klaus Schoeffmann, Vasileios Mezaris, Xirong Li, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Patras eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, June 2021.
    Best next-viewpoint recommendation by selecting minimum pose ambiguity for category-level object pose estimation
    Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase
    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 87(5), pp.440-446, May 2021.
    Best next-viewpoint recommendation by selecting minimum pose ambiguity for category-level object pose estimation
    Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase
    精密工学会誌, May 2021.
    ColAtt-Net: In Reducing the Ambiguity of Pedestrian Orientations on Attribute-Aware Semantic Segmentation Task
    Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Hiroshi Murase
    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 16(2), pp.295-306, February 2021.
    ColAtt-Net: In reducing the ambiguity of pedestrian orientations on attribute-aware semantic segmentation task
    Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Hiroshi Murase
    IEEJ Trans. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, February 2021.
    Tell as You Imagine: Sentence Imageability-aware Image Captioning
    Kazuki Umemura, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.12573, p.62–73, January 2021.
    LFIR2Pose: Pose Estimation from an Extremely Low-Resolution FIR Image Sequence
    Saki Iwata, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Tomoyoshi Aizawa
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, January 2021.
    Median-Shape Representation Learning for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Environments
    Hiroki Tatemichi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Ayako Amma, Hiroshi Murase
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.4473-4480, January 2021.
    OMEga-GAN: Object Manifold Embedding GAN for Image Generation by Disentangling Parameters into Pose and Shape Manifolds
    Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.7945-7952, January 2021.
    LFIR2Pose: Pose estimation from an extremely low-resolution FIR image sequence
    Saki Iwata, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Tomoyoshi Aizawa
    Proc. 27th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020), January 2021.
    Median-shape representation learning for category-level object pose estimation in cluttered environments
    Hiroki Tatemichi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase, Ayako Amma
    Proc. 27th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020), January 2021.
    Ω-GAN: Object manifold embedding GAN for image generation by disentangling parameters into pose and shape manifolds
    Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase
    Proc. 27th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020), January 2021.
    Imageability Estimation using Visual and Language Features
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, p.306–310, October 2020.

Last updated: 2024-12-05 17:04:37.852965491 +0000 UTC m=+2.372602109.