協力教員 (出口研究室 特任教授)
メール: murase ( a t ) nagoya-u.jp
WWW: http://www.murase.nuie.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~murase/
Prof. Hiroshi Murase received his BEng, MEng, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan. In 1980 he joined the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). From 1992 to 1993 he was a visiting research scientist at Columbia University, New York. From 2003 he is a professor of Nagoya University, Japan. He was awarded the IEICE Shinohara Award in 1986, the Telecom System Award in 1992, the IEEE CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Best Paper Award in 1994, the IPS Japan Yamashita Award in 1995, the IEEE ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) Best Video Award in 1996, the Takayanagi Memorial Award in 2001, the IEICE Achievement Award in 2002, and the Ministry Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2003. Dr. Murase is a Fellow of IEEE, IEICE, and IPS Japan.