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平山 高嗣

客員教授 (人間環境大学)

メール: takatsugu.hirayama ( a t ) nagoya-u.jp

WWW: http://www.murase.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~hirayamat/index_e.html

Dr. Takatsugu Hirayama received the M.E. and D.E. degrees in Engineering Science from Osaka University in 2002 and 2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2011, he had been a Research Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. In 2011, he moved to the Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University. He had been an Assistant Professor from 2012 to 2014, a Designated Associate Professor from 2014 to 2017. He is currently a Designated Associate Professor at the Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University. His research interests include computer vision (face recognition, visual attention modeling, action recognition) and human-computer interaction (multi-modal interaction design, internal state estimation, interaction dynamics analysis). He is a member of IEICE, the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), ACM, and IEEE.


    Interpolating the Text-to-Image Correspondence Based on Phonetic and Phonological Similarities for Nonword-to-Image Generation
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide
    IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.41299-41316, March 2024.
    渡辺茉里香, 久徳 遙矢, 道満 恵介, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, 駒水孝裕, 井手 一郎
    メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎研究会 (MVE) 2024, March 2024.
    池田 昂太郎, 松平 茅隼, 加藤 大貴, 平山 高嗣, 駒水孝裕, 井手 一郎
    メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎研究会 (MVE) 2024, March 2024.
    Computational measurement of perceived pointiness from pronunciation
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(9), pp.26183-26210, March 2024.
    Correction to: Computational measurement of perceived pointiness from pronunciation
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide, Takatsugu Hirayama, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(9), pp.26211-26212, March 2024.
    Discovering Phonesthemic Clusters in Readings of Kanji Characters toward Exploring Phonestheme in Japanese
    Akira Yoshida, Chihaya Matsuhira, Hirotaka Kato, Takatsugu Hirayama, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide
    Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, p.322–337, December 2023.
    Nonword-to-Image Generation Considering Perceptual Association of Phonetically Similar Words
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Ichiro Ide
    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Content Generation and Evaluation: New Methods and Practice, pp.115-125, October 2023.
    Leverage Semantic Alignment of Object Relations for Image Captioning
    Da Huo, Marc A. Kastner, 平山 高嗣, Takahiro Komamizu, 井手 一郎
    第26回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2023), IS1-85, July 2023.
    松平 茅隼, カストナー マークアウレル, 駒水孝裕, 平山 高嗣, 道満 恵介, 井手 一郎
    第26回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2023) 論文集, IS1-87, July 2023.
    MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
    Yuki Kondo, Norimichi Ukita, Takayuki Yamaguchi, Hao-Yu Hou, Mu-Yi Shen, Chia-Chi Hsu, En-Ming Huang, Yu-Chen Huang, Yu-Cheng Xia, Chien-Yao Wang, Chun-Yi Lee, Da Huo, Marc A. Kastner, Tingwei Liu, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, Takahiro Komamizu, 井手 一郎, Yosuke Shinya, Xinyao Liu, Guang Liang, Syusuke Yasui
    International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), TE-1, July 2023.
    Small Object Detection for Birds with Swin Transformer
    Da Huo, Marc A. Kastner, Tingwei Liu, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Takahiro Komamizu, Ichiro Ide
    International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), TE-3, July 2023.
    Evoked Emotion Distribution Learning through Analysis of Temporal User Comments in Social Media Videos
    Yiming Wang, Marc A. Kanster, Da Huo, Takahiro Komamizu, Takatsugu Hirayama, Ichiro Ide
    Unknown Journal, March 2023.
    高木 七海, 久徳 遙矢, 道満 恵介, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, 駒水孝裕, 井手 一郎
    メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎研究会 (MVE) 2023, March 2023.
    吉田 晶, 松平 茅隼, 加藤 大貴, 平山 高嗣, 駒水孝裕, 井手 一郎
    言語処理学会 第29回年次大会, March 2023.
    宮川由衣, 加藤 大貴, 松平 茅隼, 平山 高嗣, 駒水孝裕, 井手 一郎
    言語処理学会 第29回年次大会, March 2023.
    IPA-CLIP: Integrating Phonetic Priors into Vision and Language Pretraining
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide
    arXiv, cs.MM, arXiv:2303.03144, March 2023.
    武田 一馬, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, 出口 大輔, 井手 一郎, 村瀬 洋, 柏野 邦夫
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A), J106-A, No.3, pp.58-69, March 2023.
    A Study on Intra-modal Constraint Loss toward Cross-modal Recipe Retrieval
    Jiahang LU, Haruya Kyutoku, Keisuke Doman, Takahiro Komamizu, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Ichiro Ide
    Unknown Journal, A-3-1, December 2022.
    高比良 英朗, 篠原未歩, 野坂祐介, 横内雅也, 山田光穗, 平山 高嗣, 川西 康友, 出口 大輔, 井手 一郎, 村瀬 洋
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 24(3), pp.195-204, August 2022.
    Intuitive Gait Modeling using Mimetic-Words for Gait Description and Generation
    Hirotaka Kato, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takahiro Komamizu, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp.240-245, August 2022.
    On Estimating Evoked Emotions of Social Media Videos through User Comments Analysis
    Yiming Wang, Marc A. Kastner, Takahiro Komamizu, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Ichiro Ide
    Unknown Journal, IS3-72, July 2022.
    松平 茅隼, カストナー マークアウレル, 駒水孝裕, 平山 高嗣, 道満 恵介, 川西 康友, 井手 一郎
    第25回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2022) 論文集, IS1-81, July 2022.
    前川 大和, 平山 高嗣, 川西 康友, 出口 大輔, 劉 海龍, 井手 一郎, 村瀬 洋
    電子情報通信学会論文誌(A), J105-A, No.3, pp.38-42, March 2022.
    武田 一馬, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, 出口 大輔, 井手 一郎, 村瀬 洋, 柏野 邦夫
    パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU), 121(304), pp.118-123, December 2021.
    新村 文郷, 赤井 直紀, 川西 康友, 平山 高嗣, 劉 海龍, 出口 大輔, 村瀬 洋
    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会予稿集, 2B3-05, December 2021.
    Imageability- and Length-Controllable Image Captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin’Ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.162951-162961, November 2021.
    Imageability- and Length-Controllable Image Captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin’Ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.162951-162961, November 2021.
    Imageability- and length-controllable image captioning
    Marc A. Kastner, Kazuki Umemura, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase, Shin'ichi Satoh
    IEEE Access, November 2021.
    Pointedness of an Image: Measuring How Pointy an Image is Perceived
    Chihaya Matsuhira, Marc A. Kastner, Ichiro Ide, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Takatsugu Hirayama, Keisuke Doman, Daisuke Deguchi, Hiroshi Murase
    Proceedings of HCII 2021, Vol.37, pp.137-144, July 2021.
    畑 隆聖, 出口 大輔, 平山 高嗣, 川西 康友, 村瀬 洋
    第24回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2021) 論文集, I22-07, July 2021.

Last updated: 2024-04-10 16:18:28.980167064 +0000 UTC m=+2.653522992.