Feature Extraction for Claim Check-Worthiness Prediction Tasks Using LLM
Yuka Teramoto,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Mitsunori Matsushita,
Kenji Hatano The 26th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (iiWAS2024), pp.53-58, December 2024.
Action Selection Learning for Multi-label Multi-view Action Recognition
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide ACM Multimedia Asia 2024, pp.1-8, December 2024.
Cross-modal recipe retrieval based on unified text encoder with fine-grained contrastive learning
駒水孝裕 令和6年度東海地区大学教育研究会 研究大会:「地域社会のニーズとリカレント教育のこれから」~豊かに、そして幸せに生きるために~, November 2024.
井手 一郎 2024年度数理・データサイエンス・AI教育強化拠点コンソーシアム東海ブロック会議, November 2024.
Investigating Conceptual Blending of a Diffusion Model for Improving Nonword-to-Image Generation
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Marc A. Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), pp.7307-7315, October 2024.
Towards the understanding of human perception through generative AI technology
Ichiro Ide International Symposium on Advanced and Sustainable Science and Technology (ISASST) 2024, September 2024.
R-DiP: Re-ranking Based Diffusion Pre-computation for Image Retrieval
Tatsuya Kato,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide The 35th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2024), pp.233-247, August 2024.
Do LLMs Agree with Humans on Emotional Associations to Nonsense Words?
Yui Miyakawa,
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Hirotaka Kato,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, p.81–85, August 2024.
Trung Thanh Nguyen 修士論文, August 2024.
Leveraging Similarity-Preserving Post-Training Quantization for Lightweight Crop Disease Detection
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
陳 則瑋,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro 第27回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2024) 論文集, August 2024.
Marc A. Kastner,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide Unknown Journal, IS2-99, August 2024.
Image Collection Summarization by Analyzing Scene-Graph
PHUEAKSRI Itthisak Doctor thesis, July 2024.
Lightweight Maize Disease Detection through Post-Training Quantization with Similarity Preservation
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
陳 則瑋,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, June 2024.
Tracking Small Birds by Detection Candidate Region Filtering and Detection History-aware Association
Tingwei Liu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide CV4Animals Workshop in conjunction with Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024, 273, June 2024.
Data-Driven Approaches for Modeling Human Perception of Nonwords
Chihaya Matsuhira The 3rd International Workshop on Multimodal Human Understanding for the Web and Social Media (MUWS) co-located with ICMR 2024, June 2024.
井手 一郎 ディー・キューブ, Vol.3, p.9, June 2024.
One-Stage Open-Vocabulary Temporal Action Detection Leveraging Temporal Multi-scale and Action Label Features
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp.1-10, May 2024.
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
川西 康友,
井手 一郎 パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU), 124(23), pp.30-35, May 2024.
Zero-Shot Pill-Prescription Matching with Graph Convolutional Network and Contrastive Learning
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
Phi Le Nguyen,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.55889-55904, April 2024.
Mingliang Liang,
Romula Vieira,
Lucia Vadicamo,
Vasileios Mezaris,
Ichiro Ide,
Marcel Worring 30th Int Conf on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM2024), February 2024.
Image-Collection Summarization using Scene-Graph Generation with External Knowledge
Marc A. Kastner,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp.17499-17512, January 2024.
RecipeMeta: Metapath-enhanced Recipe Recommendation on Heterogeneous Recipe Network
Jialiang Shi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Keisuke Doman,
Haruya Kyutoku,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia, p.1–7, January 2024.
Discovering Phonesthemic Clusters in Readings of Kanji Characters toward Exploring Phonestheme in Japanese
Akira Yoshida,
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Hirotaka Kato,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, p.322–337, December 2023.
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Wray Buntine,
Ichiro Ide,
Tran Minh Triet,
Ho Tu Bao,
Cathal Gurrin,
Ta Hai Tung Proc. 12th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2023), p.xii-xiii, December 2023.
Improvement of Differential-GNSS Positioning by Estimating Code Double-Difference-Error Using Machine Learning
Hirotaka Kato,
Junichi MEGURO IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E106.D, No.12, pp.2069-2077, December 2023.
An Approach to Generate a Caption for an Image Collection Using Scene Graph Generation
Marc A. Kastner,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp.128245-128260, November 2023.
Characterization of Localization Using 3D Point Clouds Based on Plane Similarity
Koki AOKI,
Hirotaka Kato,
Tomoya SATO,
Yoshiki Ninomiya,
Junichi MEGURO The 7th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero’23), Fri-AM2-A-2, November 2023.
過去の法令を全文検索できるデータベースを公開 ~法制度の移り変わりを調査する出発点に~
佐野 智也,
増田 知子,
外山 勝彦,
駒水孝裕 NU Research Information, November 2023.
Nonword-to-Image Generation Considering Perceptual Association of Phonetically Similar Words
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Marc A. Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Content Generation and Evaluation: New Methods and Practice, pp.115-125, October 2023.
Unified Transformer with Fine-grained Contrastive Learning for Cross-modal Recipe Retrieval
Bolin Zhang,
久徳 遙矢,
道満 恵介,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Chao Yang,
Bin Jiang,
井手 一郎 第26回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2023), July 2023.
Leverage Semantic Alignment of Object Relations for Image Captioning
Da Huo,
Marc A. Kastner,
平山 高嗣,
Takahiro Komamizu,
井手 一郎 第26回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2023), IS1-85, July 2023.
Image Collection Scene Graph Summarization Enhancing Relation Predictor with External Knowledge
Marc A. Kastner,
川西 康友,
Takahiro Komamizu,
井手 一郎 第26回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2023) 論文集, IS1-80, July 2023.
Small Object Detection for Birds with Swin Transformer
Da Huo,
Marc A. Kastner,
Tingwei Liu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), TE-3, July 2023.
MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
Yuki Kondo,
Norimichi Ukita,
Takayuki Yamaguchi,
Hao-Yu Hou,
Mu-Yi Shen,
Chia-Chi Hsu,
En-Ming Huang,
Yu-Chen Huang,
Yu-Cheng Xia,
Chien-Yao Wang,
Chun-Yi Lee,
Da Huo,
Marc A. Kastner,
Tingwei Liu,
川西 康友,
平山 高嗣,
Takahiro Komamizu,
井手 一郎,
Yosuke Shinya,
Xinyao Liu,
Guang Liang,
Syusuke Yasui International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), TE-1, July 2023.
Towards Achieving Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Precision Agriculture with Maize Disease Detection
Carlos Victorino Padeiro,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide 18th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, July 2023.
Image Impression Estimation by Clustering People with Similar Tastes
Banri Kojima,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), July 2023.
井手 一郎 ディー・キューブ, Vol.2, p.8, June 2023.
加藤 大貴,
目黒 淳一 自動車技術会2023年春季大会学術講演会予稿集, 154, May 2023.
A Study of Improving GNSS Vehicle Localization Based on Estimating Error of Code Double Difference using Machine Learning
Hirotaka Kato,
Jun-ichi Meguro Unknown Journal, 154, May 2023.
木村 優介,
波多野 賢治 言語理解とコミュニケーション研究会, 12, March 2023.
寺本 優香,
波多野 賢治 第15回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム, pp.6-4, March 2023.
駒水孝裕 株式会社デンソー 23年度ソフトウェア技術者交流会, March 2023.
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
Phi Le Nguyen,
川西 康友,
井手 一郎 2023年電子情報通信学会総合大会/パターン認識・メディア理解AB, p.63, March 2023.
井手 一郎 大阪電気通信大学情報学研究所2022年度視覚情報学講演会, March 2023.
IPA-CLIP: Integrating Phonetic Priors into Vision and Language Pretraining
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Marc A. Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide arXiv, cs.MM, arXiv:2303.03144, March 2023.
Intra-Modal Constraint Loss for Cross-modal Cooking Recipe Retrieval
Jiahang LU Master thesis, February 2023.
Evoked Emotion Distribution Learning through Analysis of Temporal User Comments in Social Media Videos
Yiming Wang Master thesis, February 2023.
井手 一郎 名古屋大学情報学シンポジウム2023, February 2023.
Toward Captioning an Image Collection from a Combined Scene Graph Representation Approach
Marc A. Kastner,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2023), Vol.13833, pp.178-190, January 2023.
A Study on Intra-modal Constraint Loss toward Cross-modal Recipe Retrieval
Jiahang LU,
Haruya Kyutoku,
Keisuke Doman,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide Unknown Journal, A-3-1, December 2022.
Multi-task Learning-based Text Classification with Subword-Phrase Extraction
Yusuke Kimura,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Kenji Hatano the 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022), pp.23-30, December 2022.
Detection of birds in a 3D environment referring to audio-visual information
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Baidong Chu,
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Marc Aurel Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Daisuke Deguchi Proc. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS2022), December 2022.
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Ichiro Ide,
Abdelhamid Mellouk,
Shui Yu,
Ho Tu Bao,
Joao Gama,
Ta Hai Tung Proc. 11th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2022), p.vi-vii, December 2022.
Towards Efficient Data Access Through Multiple Relationship in Graph-Structured Digital Archives
Kazuma Kusu,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Kenji Hatano The 24th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2022), pp.377-391, November 2022.
A Novel Approach for Pill-Prescription Matching with GNN Assistance and Contrastive Learning
Trung Thanh Nguyen,
Hoang Dang Nguyen,
Thanh Hung Nguyen,
Huy Hieu Pham,
Ichiro Ide,
Phi Le Nguyen The 19th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 13629(1), pp.261-274, November 2022.
加藤 大貴,
目黒 淳一 GPS/GNSSシンポジウム2022, OS-2, October 2022.
小嶋 万理,
川西 康友,
道満 恵介,
井手 一郎,
中澤 満,
Yeongnam Chae,
Björn Stenger メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎研究会(MVE)2022, October 2022.
井手 一郎 デジタルアーカイブ学会産業とデータ・コンテンツ部会 第4回「DAショートトーク/産業のシーズを見つけよう!」, August 2022.
Intuitive Gait Modeling using Mimetic-Words for Gait Description and Generation
Hirotaka Kato,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp.240-245, August 2022.
Action Semantic Alignment for Image Captioning
Da Huo,
Marc A. Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Ichiro Ide IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp.194-197, August 2022.
Towards Generative Image Steganography using Seq2Seq and GAN
Anditya Arifianto,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide Unknown Journal, IS3-57, July 2022.
On Estimating Evoked Emotions of Social Media Videos through User Comments Analysis
Yiming Wang,
Marc A. Kastner,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide Unknown Journal, IS3-72, July 2022.
A multi-modal dataset for analyzing the imageability of concepts across modalities
Marc A. Kastner,
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Ichiro Ide,
Shin'ichi Satoh 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp.213-218, September 2021.
Aggregating Everyday Outfits by Incremental Clustering with Interactive User Adaptation
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Hiroshi Murase,
Satoshi Komorita,
Sei Naito IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.121467-121475, August 2021.
Welcome Message from MMArt-ACM 2021 Organizers
Min-Chun Hu,
Ichiro Ide,
Kensuke Tobitani Int. Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt) and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia (ACM) 2021 in conjunction with ACM ICMR2021, p.iii, August 2021.
MMArt-ACM'21: International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2021
Min-Chun Hu,
Ichiro Ide,
Kensuke Tobitani ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2021, pp.692-693, August 2021.
Ichiro Ide,
Keisuke Doman,
Takahiro Komamizu,
Marc A. Kastner,
Hirotaka Kato,
Chihaya Matsuhira Joint International Workshop on Smart Systems, July 2021.
刊行物:「修了生の研究成果刊行」 ~RWDC修了生のデータサイエンスによる先端研究成果を実録~
井手 一郎 実世界データ循環学リーダー人材養成プログラム News Letter Jun-Kan, Vol.15, p.11, July 2021.
SDOF-Tracker: Fast and Accurate Multiple Human Tracking by Skipped-Detection and Optical-Flow
Best next-viewpoint recommendation by selecting minimum pose ambiguity for category-level object pose estimation
Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 87(5), pp.440-446, May 2021.
Tell as You Imagine: Sentence Imageability-aware Image Captioning
Kazuki Umemura,
Marc A. Kastner,
Ichiro Ide,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.12573, p.62–73, January 2021.
OMEga-GAN: Object Manifold Embedding GAN for Image Generation by Disentangling Parameters into Pose and Shape Manifolds
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.7945-7952, January 2021.
Median-Shape Representation Learning for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Environments
Hiroki Tatemichi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Ayako Amma,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.4473-4480, January 2021.
LFIR2Pose: Pose Estimation from an Extremely Low-Resolution FIR Image Sequence
Saki Iwata,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tomoyoshi Aizawa Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, January 2021.
3D Monte Carlo Localization with Efficient Distance Field Representation for Automated Driving in Dynamic Environments
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2020), pp.1588-1595, November 2020.
井手 一郎 数理・データサイエンス教育強化拠点コンソーシアム中部・東海ブロックワークショップ, November 2020.
Imageability Estimation using Visual and Language Features
Chihaya Matsuhira,
Marc A. Kastner,
Ichiro Ide,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, p.306–310, October 2020.
Semantic Localization Considering Uncertainty of Object Recognition
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2020), October 2020.
Multiple Human Tracking with Alternately Updating Trajectories and Multi-Frame Action Features
Hitoshi Nishimura,
Kazuyuki Tasaka,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Hiroshi Murase ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 8(4), pp.269-279, October 2020.
Modeling Eye-Gaze Behavior of Electric Wheelchair Drivers via Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Yamato Maekawa,
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.158-164, September 2020.
What Timing for an Automated Vehicle to Make Pedestrians Understand Its Driving Intentions for Improving Their Perception of Safety?
Hailong Liu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Luis Yoichi Morales Saiki,
Hiroshi Murase The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2020), pp.462-467, September 2020.
Interactive Model-based Reminiscence Using a Cognitive Model and Physiological Indices
Kazuki Itabashi,
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada The 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, p.93-99, July 2020.
Special issue on "The Tenth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology -SoICT 2019"
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Ichiro Ide Informatica, 44(2), p.113, July 2020.
Estimating the imageability of words by mining visual characteristics from crawled image data
Marc Aurel Kastner,
Ichiro Ide,
Frank Nack,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(25), pp.18167-18199, July 2020.
Performance Boost of Attribute-aware Semantic Segmentation via Data Augmentation for Driver Assistance
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase The 8th IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, pp.293-298, June 2020.
Image Recognition for Driving Assistance of Intelligent Vehicles
Hiroshi Murase International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, June 2020.
Wei-Ta Chu,
Ichiro Ide,
Naoko Nitta,
Norimichi Tsumura,
Toshihiko Yamasaki Proc. Int. Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt) and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia (ACM) 2020 in conjunction with ACM ICMR2020, p.iii, June 2020.
Multiple Human Tracking Using an Omnidirectional Camera with Local Rectification and World Coordinates Representation
Hitoshi Nishimura,
Kazuyuki Tasaka,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E103-D, No.6, pp.1265-1275, June 2020.
MMArt-ACM'20: International Joint Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis and Attractiveness Computing in Multimedia 2020
Wei-Ta Chu,
Ichiro Ide,
Naoko Nitta,
Norimichi Tsumura,
Toshihiko Yamasaki Proc. ACM Int Conf on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2020, pp.582-583, June 2020.
Ichiro Ide,
Yoko Yamakata,
Atsushi Hashimoto Proc. 12th Workshop on Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2020) in conjunction with ACM ICMR2020, p.iii, June 2020.
CEA'20: The 12th Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities
Ichiro Ide,
Yoko Yamakata,
Atsushi Hashimoto Proc. ACM Int Conf on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) 2020, pp.578-579, June 2020.
SOANets: Encoder-Decoder based Skeleton Orientation Alignment Network for White Cane User Recognition from 2D Human Skeleton Sequence
Naoki Nishida,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Jun Piao Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2020, Vol.5, pp.435-443, February 2020.
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Ichiro Ide,
Michel Toulouse,
Shui Yu,
Marc Bui,
Le Minh Ha,
Zhenjiang Hu,
Huynh Quyet Thang Proc. 10th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2019), p.vii-viii, December 2019.
Message from the program chairs
Ichiro Ide,
Yang Lei,
Fabio Persia Proc. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2019), p.xiv, December 2019.
Scene-Adaptive Driving Area Prediction based on Automatic Label Acquisition from Driving Information
Takuya Migishima,
Haruya Kyutoku,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 5th IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2019), 97, November 2019.
Semantic Segmentation of Railway Images Considering Temporal Continuity
Yuki Furitsu,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hiroki Mukoujima,
Nozomi Nagamine Proceedings of the 5th IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2019), 48, November 2019.
Misalignment Recognition Using Markov Random Fields with Fully Connected Latent Variables for Detecting Localization Failures
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2019), TuAT18.2, November 2019.
Establishing Safer Human-Vehicle Visual Interaction at Night
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Takashi Maeda,
Hailong Liu,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Naoki Akai,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2019), p.875, November 2019.
An Analysis of How Driver Experience Affects Eye-Gaze Behavior for Robotic Wheelchair Operation
Yamato Maekawa,
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, pp.4443-4451, November 2019.
Safety Criteria Analysis for Negotiating Blind Corners in Personal Mobility Vehicles Based on Driver's Attention Simulation on 3D Map
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2019), pp.2367-2374, October 2019.
On quantizing the mental image of concepts for visual semantic analyses
Marc Aurel Kastner Proc. 27th ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia (ACMMM2019), October 2019.
特集/画像・映像認識技術の多様な応用 ~序文~
川西 康友 Medical Imaging Technology, 37(4), p.171, September 2019.
井手 一郎 2019年度BigDataおよびSmartComputing研究会, September 2019.
Driving Behavior Model Considering Driver's Over-Trust in Driving Automation System
Hailong Liu,
Toshihiro Hiraoka 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ‘19), September 2019.
Exemplar-based Pseudo-Viewpoint Rotation for White-Cane User Recognition from a 2D Human Pose Sequence
Naoki Nishida,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Jun Piao The 16-th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), 29, September 2019.
納谷 信,
井手 一郎 数理・データサイエンス教育強化拠点コンソーシアム中部・東海ブロックワークショップ, September 2019.
Multiple Human Tracking using Multi-Cues including Primitive Action Features
Saliency difference based objective evaluation method for a superimposed screen of the HUD with various background
Hailong Liu,
Toshihiro Hiraoka,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Dongmin Kim The 14th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (IFAC-HMS 2019), September 2019.
An Analysis of Simultaneous Image Matching on Various Datasets for Person Re-identification
Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, G5-2, September 2019.
A Preliminary Study on Pedestrian Abnormal Behavior Recognition based on Pose Heatmap from Surveillance Camera Images
Onur Temuroglu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Mayuu Iwasaki,
Atsushi Tsukada Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, G5-1, September 2019.
Explicit behaviors affected by driver's trust in a driving automation system
Hailong Liu,
Toshihiro Hiraoka,
Seiya Tanaka The 5th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Accidents (FAST-zero-19), September 2019.
CityWalks: An Extended Dataset for Attribute-aware Semantic Segmentation
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, B1-1, September 2019.
Viewpoint Recommendation for Object Pose Estimation via Pose Ambiguity Minimization
Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase The 22nd Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding (MIRU), PS1-69, August 2019.
On Visualizing Psycholinguistic Groundings for Sentiment Image Datasets
Marc Aurel Kastner,
Ichiro Ide,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Meeting on Image Recognition & Understanding, DS-3, August 2019.
Estimation of the attractiveness of food photography based on image features
Kazuma Takahashi,
Tatsumi Hattori,
Keisuke Doman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, E102-D, No.8, pp.1590-1593, August 2019.
赤井 直紀 日本ロボット学会ロボット工学セミナー 第122回シンポジウム 「近年のベイズ推論研究とロボット工学への応用」, July 2019.
Misalignment Recognition Using Markov Random Fields with Fully Connected Latent Variables for Detecting Localization Failures
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4), pp.3955-3962, July 2019.
Ichiro Ide,
Yoko Yamakata IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E102-D, No.7, pp.1228-1229, July 2019.
A preliminary study on estimating word imageability labels using Web image data mining
Marc Aurel Kastner,
Ichiro Ide,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Unknown Journal, A4-7, March 2019.
Towards Social Mobility: Shared Planning for Multiple Personal Mobility Vehicles
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Naoki Akai,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase HRI 2019 Workshop on Social Human-Robot Interaction of Human-Care Service Robots, March 2019.
Hard Negative Mining from in-Vehicle Camera Images based on Multiple Observations of Background Patterns
Masashi Hontani,
Haruya Kyutoku,
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2019, Vol.5, pp.435-442, February 2019.
Pedestrian Intensive Scanning for Active-scan LIDAR
Taiki Yamamoto,
Fumito Shinmura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2019, Vol.5, pp.313-320, February 2019.
Next Viewpoint Recommendation by Pose Ambiguity Minimization for Accurate Object Pose Estimation
Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Ayako Amma,
Norimasa Kobori Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2019, Vol.5, pp.60-67, February 2019.
岩田 紗希 卒業論文, February 2019.
振津 勇紀 卒業論文, February 2019.
前川 大和 卒業論文, February 2019.
梅村 和紀 卒業論文, February 2019.
立道 大樹 卒業論文, February 2019.
CNNの多段階分解によるSemantic Segmentation処理の高速化
野田 紘司 Unknown Journal, February 2019.
児玉 祐樹 修士論文, February 2019.
前田 高志 修士論文, February 2019.
山本 大貴 修士論文, February 2019.
本谷 真志 修士論文, February 2019.
陳 璐 修士論文, February 2019.
佐藤 陽昇 修士論文, February 2019.
井手 一郎 名古屋大学予防早期医療創成センター第8回ワークショップ, January 2019.
井手 一郎,
山肩 洋子 人工知能学会誌, 34(1), pp.70-78, January 2019.
Wen-Hsiao Peng,
Antonio Ortega,
Tihao Chiang,
Ichiro Ide,
Shipeng Li,
Wan-Chi Siu IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) 2018, December 2018.
Voting-based Hand-Waving Gesture Spotting from a Low-Resolution Far-Infrared Image Sequence
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Chisato Toriyama,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tomoyoshi Aizawa,
Masato Kawade Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2018), O5-2, December 2018.
Gaze-inspired Learning for Estimating the Attractiveness of a Food Photo
Akinori Sato,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 20th IEEE Int. Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2018), pp.36-43, December 2018.
Ichiro Ide,
Michel Toulouse,
Biplab Sikdar,
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Yasushi Yagi,
Marc Bui,
Huynh Quyet Thang,
Le Thi Kim Oanh Proc. 9th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2018), p.vi-vii, December 2018.
Estimating the Scene-wise Reliability of LiDAR Pedestrian Detectors
Haruya Kyutoku,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Kazuki Kato,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), pp.3511-3516, November 2018.
Attribute-aware Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes for Understanding Pedestrian Orientations
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Jiang-Yu Zheng,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), pp.2698-2703, November 2018.
Analyzing Headlight Flicker Patterns for Improving the Pedestrian Detectability from a Driver
Takashi Maeda,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), pp.3113-3118, November 2018.
Toward Localization-Based Automated Driving in Highly Dynamic Environments: Comparison and Discussion of Observation Models
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), pp.2215-2222, November 2018.
Estimation of Driver's Insight for Safe Passing based on Pedestrian Attributes
Fumito Shinmura,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hironobu Fujiyoshi Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), pp.1041-1046, November 2018.
Towards predictive driving through blind intersections
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Naoki Akai,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2018), MoD1T8.1, November 2018.
Vehicle counting via car parts detection from an in-vehicle camera image
Fumito Shinmura,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, P-2, October 2018.
The PIX Moving Kuaikai: Building a Self-Driving Car in 7 Days
David Robert Wong,
Alexander Carballo,
Rohan Rao,
Oscar Rovira,
Chuan Yu Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, October 2018.
Predicting Signs of Drowsiness from Drivers Blinking and Driving Behavior
Jinseok Moon,
Junya Morita,
Yu Enokibori,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Albert Ali Salah,
Kenji Mase,
Yoshiyuki Hatakeyama,
Hirotaka Kaji Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, P-7, October 2018.
Epipolar geometry-based ego-localization using an in-vehicle monocular camera
Haruya Kyutoku,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems, P-11, October 2018.
Personal Mobility Vehicle Autonomous Navigation Through Pedestrian Flow: A Data Driven Approach for Parameter Extraction
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Naoki Akai,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018), pp.3438-3444, October 2018.
Mobile Robot Localization Considering Class of Sensor Observations
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018), pp.3159-3166, October 2018.
Visualization of Real World Activity on Group Work
Daisuke Deguchi,
Kazuaki Kondo,
Atsushi Shimada Proceedings of 20th International Conference on HCI International 2018 (HCII2018), LNCS 10902, pp.23-37, July 2018.
Ichiro Ide,
Yoko Yamakata 10th Workshop on Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2018) in conjunction with IJCAI2018, July 2018.
A study on the factors affecting the attractiveness of food photography
Tatsumi Hattori,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada 10th Workshop on Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2018) in conjunction with IJCAI2018, pp.25-28, July 2018.
Reliability estimation of vehicle localization result
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2018), pp.740-747, June 2018.
General Forward Obstacle Detection using Current and Past In-Vehicle Camera Images
Haruya Kyutoku Elemental Technologies for Automated Driving with Realistic Onboard Sensors: from Software to Hardware in the Real World and the Cyber World in conjunction with IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2018, June 2018.
Towards social autonomous navigation utilizing ML techniques
Naoki Akai,
Luis Yoichi Morales,
Kyle Sama,
Hailong Liu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop, New horizons in cognitive robotics and AI: exploiting recent advances for predictive control and prospective interaction between agents, May 2018.
Detection of similar geo-regions based on visual concepts in social photos
Hiroki Takimoto,
Magali Philippe,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Advances in Multimedia Information Processing -PCM 2017, 18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Harbin, China, September 28-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers Part I, B. Zeng, Q. Huang, A. El-Saddik, H. Li, S. Jiang, and X. Fan eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.10735, pp.497-504, May 2018.
Assessment of the attractiveness of food photos
Ichiro Ide Handai IDS - JFLI Joint Workshop on Media and Graphics, May 2018.
Training of CNN with Heterogeneous Learning for Multiple Pedestrian Attributes Recognition Using Rarity Rate
Hiroshi Fukui,
Takayoshi Yamashita,
Yuji Yamauchi,
Hironobu Fujiyoshi,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E101-D, No.5, pp.1222-1231, May 2018.
Pedestrian Detectability Estimation Considering Visual Adaptation to Drastic Illumination Change
Yuki Imaeda,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E101-D, No.5, pp.1457-1462, May 2018.
Detection of similar geo-regions based on visual concepts in social photos
Hiroki Takimoto,
Magali Philippe,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Advances in Multimedia Information Processing -PCM 2017, 18th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Harbin, China, September 28-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers Part I, B. Zeng, Q. Huang, A. El-Saddik, H. Li, S. Jiang, and X. Fan eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol.10735, pp.497-504, May 2018.
Development of 'KamiRepo' System with Automatic Student Identification to Handle Handwritten Assignments on LMS
Shunya Seiya,
Ryuya Ito,
Kosuke Okamoto,
Ukyo Tanikawa,
Shigeki Ohira,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomoki Toda Proceedings of 2018 the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2018), pp.841-848, April 2018.
平山 高嗣 名古屋における不動産投資環境の現状(2018年版)―名古屋の投資家と東京・大阪の投資家の目線を比較する―, March 2018.
Egocentric Video Multi-viewer for Analyzing Skilled Behaviors based on Gaze Object
Yuki Umezawa,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yu Enokibori,
Kenji Mase Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion, 33, March 2018.
出口 大輔 JaSakai/AXIES/IMS合同カンファレンス2018, February 2018.
A Preliminary Study on Optimizing Person Re-identification using Stable Marriage Algorithm
Nik Mohd Zarifie Hashim,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase The International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV) 2018, p.6, February 2018.
Pedestrian Detection from Sparse Point-Cloud using 3DCNN
Yoshiki Tatebe,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Utsushi Sakai Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2018, pp.1-4, January 2018.
Efficient Pedestrian Scanning by Active Scan LIDAR
Taiki Yamamoto,
Fumito Shinmura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2018, pp.1-4, January 2018.
Personal Viewpoint Navigation Based on Object Trajectory Distribution for Multi-View Videos
Xueting Wang,
Kensho Hara,
Yu Enokibori,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E101-D, No.1, pp.193-204, January 2018.
Understanding Human Images in Thermal Infrared Spectrum
Brahmastro Kresnaraman Unknown Journal, December 2017.
Huynh Quyet Thang,
Zhenjiang Hu,
Marc Bui,
Biplab Sikdar,
Ichiro Ide,
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Worrawat Engchuan,
Dinh Viet Sang,
Nguyen Thi Oanh Proc. 8th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2017), p.vi, December 2017.
車載カメラを用いた環境理解 ~自動運転の実現に向けて~
出口 大輔 経済情報学会主催セミナー, December 2017.
Marc Bui,
Biplab Sikdar,
Ichiro Ide,
Huynh Thi Thanh Binh,
Huynh Quyet Thang,
Zhenjiang Hu Proceedings of 8th Int. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT2017), December 2017.
実世界ワーク「グローバルチャレンジII」 ~世界最先端の研究現場を体験する海外研修プログラム~
井手 一郎 実世界データ循環学リーダー人材養成プログラム News Letter Jun-Kan, Vol.9, 6-7, December 2017.
平山 高嗣 精密工学会 画像応用技術専門委員会 2017年第4回定例研究会, 32(4), pp.1-10, November 2017.
Hirotaka Kato,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2017) Workshops, pp.1573-1580, October 2017.
User Group based Viewpoint Recommendation using User Attributes for Multiview Videos
Xueting Wang,
Yu Enokibori,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kensho Hara,
Kenji Mase Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Understanding of Social, Affective and Subjective Attributes, pp.3-10, October 2017.
Proposal and Evaluation of An Adaptive Agent for Stress Control Training using Multimodal Biological Signals
Wataru Hashiguchi,
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase HAI2017 Workshop on Representation Learning for Human and Robot Cognition, October 2017.
Driver's Decision Analysis in Terms of Pedestrian Attributes -A Case Study in Passing by a Pedestrian-
Fumito Shinmura,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hironobu Fujiyoshi Proceedings of Workshop on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles, pp.32-36, October 2017.
出口 大輔,
宮島 千代美,
武田 一哉 第16回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2017)講演論文集, A-8, September 2017.
Prediction of pedestrian detectability for drivers by image processing and its driver adaptation
Ryunosuke Tanishige,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Keisuke Doman,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Naoki Nitanda Vehicle Systems and Driver Modelling -DSP, Human-to-Vehicle Interfaces, Driver Behavior, and Safety-, Huseyin Abut, John H.L. Hansen, Gerhard Schmidt, Kazuya Takeda, and Hanseok Ko eds., pp.171-180, September 2017.
Integrated modeling of driver gaze and vehicle operation behavior during lane changes
Chiyomi Miyajima,
Masataka Mori,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Norihide Kitaoka,
Kazuya Takeda Vehicle Systems and Driver Modelling -DSP, Human-to-Vehicle Interfaces, Driver Behavior, and Safety-, Huseyin Abut, John H.L. Hansen, Gerhard Schmidt, Kazuya Takeda, and Hanseok Ko eds., pp.133-142, September 2017.
Preliminary Study of Attribute-aware Semantic Segmentation for Pedestrian Understanding
Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering 2017, A2-7, September 2017.
Action Recognition from Extremely Low-Resolution Thermal Image Sequence
Takayuki Kawashima,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tomoyoshi Aizawa,
Masato Kawade Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS2017), 28, September 2017.
Regression of Feature Scale Tracklets for Decimeter Visual Localization
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Image and Vision Computing, Vol.68, pp.53-63, August 2017.
Ichiro Ide,
Yoko Yamakata Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2017) in conjunction with IJCAI2017, August 2017.
医用画像処理からの巣立ち ~新しい研究分野に挑戦して~
出口 大輔 第36回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT2017), July 2017.
Headgear Recognition by Decomposing Human Images in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum
Brahmastro Kresnaraman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR2017), pp.164-168, July 2017.
Trajectory Ensemble: Multiple Persons Consensus Tracking across Non-overlapping Multiple Cameras over Randomly Dropped Camera Networks
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase 1st Workshop on Target Re-Identification and Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking, pp.1471–1477, July 2017.
David Robert Wong,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2017), pp.493-498, June 2017.
Human Wearable Attribute Recognition Using Probability-Map-Based Decomposition of Thermal Infrared Images
Brahmastro Kresnaraman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E100-A, No.3, pp.854-864, March 2017.
Deep Manifold Embedding for 3D Object Pose Estimation
Hiroshi Ninomiya,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Norimasa Kobori,
Yusuke Nakano Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2017, Vol.5, pp.173-178, March 2017.
Wheelchair-user Detection Combined with Parts-based Tracking
Ukyo Tanikawa,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Ryo Kawai Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2017, Vol.5, pp.165-172, February 2017.
Can We Detect Pedestrians using Low-resolution LIDAR? -Integration of Multi-frame Point-clouds-
Yoshiki Tatebe,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Utsushi Sakai Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2017, Vol.5, pp.157-164, February 2017.
Can a Driver Assistance System Determine if a Driver is Perceiving a Pedestrian? -Consideration of the Driver’s Visual Adaptation to Illumination Change-
Yuki Imaeda,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2017, Vol.4, pp.611-616, February 2017.
撮影支援に向けた料理写真の魅力度推定手法 ~選好実験時の注視領域を反映した特徴抽出~
佐藤 陽昇 卒業論文, February 2017.
児玉 祐樹 卒業論文, February 2017.
本谷 真志 卒業論文, February 2017.
児玉 悠貴 修士論文, February 2017.
前田 高志 卒業論文, February 2017.
Active Scan LIDARを用いた歩行者検出のための効率的スキャン法
山本 大貴 卒業論文, February 2017.
今枝 祐綺 修士論文, February 2017.
髙橋 和馬 修士論文, February 2017.
向嶋 宏記 修士論文, February 2017.
新保 祐人 修士論文, February 2017.
人物紹介映像の自動編集に向けた Web コンテンツの選択手法
國代 京花 修士論文, February 2017.
Deep Feature Manifoldによる物体姿勢推定
二宮 宏史 修士論文, February 2017.
Single Camera Vehicle Localization Using Feature Scale Tracklets
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E100-A, No.2, pp.702-713, February 2017.
小堀 訓成 博士論文, January 2017.
出口 大輔 技術情報協会セミナー「歩行者検出における画像認識・LIDARの適用技術と自動運転への応用」, January 2017.
Multimodal Biofeedback System Integrating Low-Cost Easy Sensing Devices
Wataru Hashiguchi,
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada,
Mayu Yokoya Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp.410-411, November 2016.
Vote Distribution Model for Hough-based Action Detection
Kensho Hara,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E99-D, No.11, pp.2796-2808, November 2016.
Personal Multi-view Viewpoint Recommendation based on Trajectory Distribution of the Viewing Target
Xueting Wang,
Kensho Hara,
Yu Enokibori,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2016), pp.471-475, October 2016.
Model-based Reminiscence: Guiding Mental Time Travel by Cognitive Modeling
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, pp.341-344, October 2016.
EEG Features Representing Cognitive and Emotional States Evoked by Personal Pictures
Shintarou Hayamizu,
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada The 3rd International Conference on Universal Village (UV2016), October 2016.
Subjective Sensing of Real World Activity on Group Study
Daisuke Deguchi,
Kazuaki Kondo,
Atsushi Shimada Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech2016), pp.5-8, September 2016.
村瀬 洋 ドライバ状態の検出,推定技術と自動運転,運転支援システムへの応用, pp.282-288, April 2016.
平山 高嗣 技術情報協会セミナー「漫然・わき見運転を防ぐ 自動車HMIの設計技術」, 604429-1, April 2016.
A study on estimating the attractiveness of food photography
Kazuma Takahashi,
Keisuke Doman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, pp.444-449, April 2016.
Reconstructing Face Image from the Thermal Infrared Spectrum to the Visible Spetrum
Brahmastro Kresnaraman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Sensors, special issue on “Infrared and THz Sensing and Imaging”, 16(4), pp.1-16, April 2016.
Skilled Gaze Behavior Extraction based on Dependency Analysis of Gaze Patterns on Video Scenes
Atsushi Iwatsuki,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Junya Morita,
Kenji Mase Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, pp.299-302, March 2016.
Image transformation of eye areas for synthesizing eye-contacts in video conferencing
Takuya Inoue,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takayuki Kurozumi,
Kunio Kashino Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2016, Vol.3, pp.273-279, February 2016.
HandWaving Gesture Detection Using a Far-Infrared Sensor Array with Thermo-Spatial Region of Interest
Chisato Toriyama,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tomoyoshi Aizawa,
Masato Kawade Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2016, pp.545-551, February 2016.
Human Wearable Attribute Recognition using Decomposition of Thermal Infrared Images
Brahmastro Kresnaraman,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 22th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016), pp.123-127, February 2016.
Human Body Segmentation Using Texture Aware Grab-cut and Statistical Shape Models
Esmaeil Pourjam,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 22th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016), pp.28-33, February 2016.
Position Interpolation using Feature Point Scale for Decimeter Visual Localization
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2015) Workshops, pp.1-8, December 2015.
井手 一郎 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告, Vol.20, SBR-3, pp.1-3, December 2015.
Top-down Visual Attention Estimation Using Spatially Localized Activation Based on Linear Separability of Visual Features
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Toshiya Ohira,
Kenji Mase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E98-D, No.12, pp.2308-2326, December 2015.
Viewpoint Sequence Recommendation Based on Contextual Information for Multiview Video
Xueting Wang,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase IEEE MultiMedia, 22(3), pp.40-50, November 2015.
Mirroring Autobiographical Memory by Cognitive Architecture
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), November 2015.
Detector Ensemble based on False Positive Mining for Pedestrian Detection
Yuki Suzuki,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015), PS3-32, November 2015.
Generation of a video summary on a news topic based on SNS responses to news stories
Kosuke Kato,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proc. 4th Int Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia (CrowdMM’15) in conjunction with ACMMM2015, pp.21-26, October 2015.
村瀬 洋 中部TLO企業交流 特別講演, October 2015.
村瀬 洋 あいちサイエンスフェスティバル2015「鶴舞中央図書館サイエンス夜話」, October 2015.
Distant Pedestrian Re-Detection from an in-Vehicle Camera based on Detections by Other Vehicles
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hironobu Fujiyoshi Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2015), pp.1215-1220, September 2015.
Effect of Automatic Lane Changing on Driver's Behaviour Decision Process
Kentarou Hitomi,
Hitoshi Terai,
Hiroyuki Okuda,
Takashi Bando,
Chiyomi Miyajima,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Yuki Shinohara,
Masumi Egawa,
Kazuya Takeda The 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero’15), pp.551-557, September 2015.
Tastes and textures estimation of foods based on the analysis of its ingredients list and image
Hiroki Matsunaga,
Keisuke Doman,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management, Vol.9281, pp.326-333, September 2015.
Investigating Memory Recall by Visualization of Photo Network
Junki Seko,
Junya Morita,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase,
Kazunori Yamada The 2nd Ubicomp Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies To Augment The Human Mind, September 2015.
車載カメラを用いた環境理解 ~自車位置推定と地図構築~
出口 大輔 東海支部若手セミナー「分散メディアのための情報通信と信号処理」, September 2015.
村瀬 洋 Kフォーラム, August 2015.
Statistical Shape Feedback for Human Subject Segmentation
Esmaeil Pourjam,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 135-C, No.8, pp.1000-1008, August 2015.
Adaptive Reference Image Selection for Temporal Object Removal from Frontal In-vehicle Camera Image Sequences
Toru Kotsuka,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2015, pp.233-239, March 2015.
Estimation of Human Orientation using Coaxial RGB-Depth Images
Fumito Shinmura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hironobu Fujiyoshi Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2015, pp.113-120, March 2015.
A Preliminary Study on Human Attribute Classification in Thermal Image
Brahmastro Kresnaraman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 2015 IEICE General Conference, p.66, March 2015.
Scene duplicate detection from news videos using image-audio matching focusing on human faces
Haruka Kumagai,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014), pp.71-77, December 2014.
Multimedia big data
Roger Zimmermann,
Phillip C.-Y. Sheu,
Hakon Kvale Stensland,
井手 一郎,
Robert Mertens,
Max Muhlhauser,
Tsuhan Chen 16th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014), December 2014.
Context-dependent Viewpoint Sequence Recommendation System for Multi-view Video
Xueting Wang,
Yuki Muramatsu,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014), December 2014.
Vision-based Vehicle Localization using a Visual Street Map with Embedded SURF Scale
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology with Special Session on Micro Aerial Vehicles (CVVT2014), September 2014.
Spatial People Density Estimation from Multiple Viewpoints by Memory Based Regression
Yoshimune Tabuchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takayuki Kurozumi,
Kunio Kashino Proceedings of the 22nd IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2014), pp.2209-2214, August 2014.
平山 高嗣 第13回Kフォーラム, August 2014.
Driver Adaptive Prediction for Pedestrian Detectability using In-Vehicle Camera Image
Ryunosuke Tanishige,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Keisuke Doman,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Naoki Nitanda 6th Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems (DSP 2013), pp.26-30, August 2014.
Single Camera Vehicle Localization Using SURF Scale and Dynamic Time Warping
David Robert Wong,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2014 the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2014), pp.681-686, June 2014.
Estimation of Traffic Sign Visibility Considering Local and Global Features in a Driving Environment
Analysis of Information Diffusion on Directed Networks
Shohei Usui,
Fujio Toriumi,
Takatsugu Hirayama,
Kenji Mase The 6th International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence on Networked Agents (WEIN’14), May 2014.
Report on the analyses and the applications of a large-scale news video archive: NII TV-RECS
Ichiro Ide Progress in Informatics, No.11, pp.9-17, May 2014.
Estimation of the Representative Story Transition in a Chronological Semantic Structure of News Topics
Kosuke Kato,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR2014), pp.487-491, April 2014.
Subspace construction from artificially generated images for traffic sign recognition
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environmentt, Yen-Wei Chen, Lakhmi C. Jain Eds., Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Vol.552, pp.83-104, April 2014.
Greedy Network Growth Model of Social Network Service
臼井 翔平,
鳥海 不二夫,
松尾 真人,
平山 高嗣,
間瀬 健二 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 18(4), pp.590-597, April 2014.
Shinpuhkan2014: A Multi-Camera Pedestrian Dataset for Tracking People across Multiple Cameras
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Yang Wu,
Masayuki Mukunoki,
Michihiko Minoh Proceedings of the 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2014), pp.232-236, February 2014.
Can a Human be a Sensor? -Towards Real-world Information Retrieval based on Human Cloud Sensing-
Atsushi Shimada,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Kazuaki Kondo,
Takuya Funatomi Proceedings of the 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2014), pp.242-245, February 2014.
児島 勇司 修士論文, February 2014.
鳥山 千智 卒業論文, February 2014.
田渕 義宗 修士論文, February 2014.
市川 善規 卒業論文, February 2014.
鈴尾 大地 修士論文, February 2014.
熊谷 はるか 修士論文, February 2014.
井上 卓弥 卒業論文, February 2014.
児玉 悠貴 卒業論文, February 2014.
岩井 宏道 卒業論文, p.43, February 2014.
Environment adaptive pedestrian detection using in-vehicle camera and GPS
Daichi Suzuo,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Yoshiko Kojima Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2014, pp.354-361, January 2014.
Exemplar-Based Human Body Super-Resolution for Surveillance Camera Systems
Kento Nishibori,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2014, pp.115-121, January 2014.
井手 一郎 電子情報通信学会知識ベース, 2群11編2章, 2節, pp.6-11, January 2014.
Scene dependent classifiers for pedestrian detection -generative learning approach-
Hidefumi Yoshida,
Daichi Suzuo,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase International Joint Workshop on Advanced Sensing / Visual Attention and Interaction (ASVAI2013), November 2013.
Automatic authoring of a domestic cooking video based on the description of cooking instructions
Yasuhiro Hayashi,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA’13), pp.21-26, October 2013.
Partially Occluded Pedestrian Classification Using Part-based Classifiers and Restricted Boltzmann Machine Model
Saleh Aly,
Loay Hassan,
Alaa Sagheer,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), pp.1065-1070, October 2013.
Construction of a traffic sign detector based on voting type co-training
Yuji Kojima,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), pp.1137-1142, October 2013.
Blur-invariant Traffic Sign Recognition Using Compact Local Phase Quantization
Saleh Aly,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2013), pp.821-827, October 2013.
Prediction of Pedestrian Detectability for Drivers by Image Processing and its Driver Adaptation
Ryunosuke Tanishige,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Keisuke Doman,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Naoki Nitanda Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Workshop on Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems (DSP2013), pp.1-4, September 2013.
Riemannian Set-level Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis for Multiple-shot Person Re-identification
Wei Li,
Yang Wu,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Masayuki Mukunoki,
Michihiko Minoh The Thirteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, March 2013.
谷繁 龍之介 平成24年度電子情報通信学会東海支部卒業研究発表会講演論文集, p.24, March 2013.
小塚 亨 平成24年度電子情報通信学会東海支部卒業研究発表会講演論文集, OB3-5, March 2013.
細野 峻司 平成24年度電子情報通信学会東海支部卒業研究発表会講演論文集, p.6, March 2013.
浅井 康博 平成24年度電子情報通信学会東海支部卒業研究発表会講演論文集, p.18, March 2013.
佐藤 竜平 修士論文, March 2013.
国際会議:The 20th ACM International Conference on Multimedia(ACMMM2012,第20回ACMマルチメディア国際会議)
井手 一郎 電子情報通信学会誌, 96(3), p.216, March 2013.
吉田 英史 修士論文, March 2013.
船津 暢宏 修士論文, March 2013.
Cross-pose face recognition -A virtual view generation approach using clustering based LVTM-
Xi Li,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Special Section on Face Perception and Recognition, E96-D, No.3, pp.531-537, March 2013.
井手 一郎 パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU), PRMU2012-138, February 2013.
伏木 亨,
井手 一郎,
中島 伸介,
森下 幸俊,
山肩 洋子 第5回Webとデータベースに関するフォーラム(DBWeb Forum 2012), November 2012.
Estimation of the human performance for pedestrian detectability based on visual search and motion features
Masashi Wakayama,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yukimasa Tamatsu Proceedings of the 21st IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012), pp.1940-1943, November 2012.
Virtual View Generation using Clustering based Local View Transition Model
Xi Li,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of ACCV Workshop on Face Analysis: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Human Perception, WS-T3-4, November 2012.
Structuring a large-scale news video archive and its application to video story-telling
Ichiro Ide 2nd NII Shonan Meeting Seminar: The Future of Multimedia Analysis and Mining, November 2012.
出口 大輔 医用画像解析ハンドブック,藤田広志,石田隆行,桂川茂彦監修, pp.276-284, November 2012.
Smart VideoCooKing: A Multimedia Cooking Recipe Browsing Application on Portable Devices
Keisuke Doman,
ChengYing Kuai,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2012), pp.1267-1268, October 2012.
村瀬 洋 PCSJ, October 2012.
Subtraction-Based Forward Obstacle Detection Using Illumination Insensitive Feature for Driving-Support
Haruya Kyutoku,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars (CVVT2012), Part II, LNCS 7584, pp.515-525, October 2012.
Visibility Estimation of Traffic Signals under Rainy Weather Conditions for Smart Driving Support
Ryuhei Sato,
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yukimasa Tamatsu Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2012), pp.1321-1326, September 2012.
Detection and classification of repetitious human motions combining shift variant and invariant features
Ichiro Ide,
Taku Kuhara,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST2012), pp.86-89, September 2012.
Robust Face Super-Resolution Using Free-Form Deformations For Low-Quality Surveillance Video
Tomonari Yoshida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2012), pp.368-373, July 2012.
Making use of a broadcast video archive for education
Ichiro Ide Seminar: Research-based education, July 2012.
野田 雅文,
高橋 友和,
出口 大輔,
井手 一郎,
村瀬 洋,
小島 祥子,
内藤 貴志 O plus E, 34(6), pp.522-527, June 2012.
Speech shot extraction from broadcast news videos
Shogo Kumagai,
Keisuke Doman,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase International Journal of Semantic Computing, 6(2), pp.179-204, June 2012.
Real-time marker-free patient registration for electromagnetic navigated bronchoscopy: a phantom study
Daisuke Deguchi,
Marco Feuerstein,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Yasuhito Suenaga,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Kazuyoshi Imaizumi,
Yoshinori Hasegawa,
Kensaku Mori International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 7(3), pp.359-369, May 2012.
Efficient tracking of news topics based on chronological semantic structures in a large-scale news video archive
Ichiro Ide,
Tomoyoshi Kinoshita,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Mo,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E95-D, No.5, pp.1288-1300, May 2012.
Construction of a local attraction map according to social visual attention
Ichiro Ide,
Jiani Wang,
Masafumi Noda,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (IIMSS2012), pp.153-162, May 2012.
井手 一郎,
村瀬 洋 映像情報メディア学会誌, 66(4), pp.252-255, April 2012.
High Accuracy Local Map Generation Method Based on Precise Trajectory from GPS Doppler
Yoshiko Kojima,
Jun-ichi Meguro,
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Akihiro Watanabe,
Noriyoshi Suzuki,
Hiroshi Murase International Journal of Automotive Engineering, pp.63-68, April 2012.
Development and comparison of new hybrid motion tracking for bronchoscopic navigation
Xiongbiao Luo,
Marco Feuerstein,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Hirotsugu Takabatake,
Kensaku Mori Medical Image Analysis, 16(3), pp.577-596, April 2012.
Integration of generative learning and multiple pose classifiers for pedestrian detection
Hidefumi Yoshida,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Kunihiro Goto,
Yoshikatsu Kimura,
Takashi Naito Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2012, Vol.1, pp.567-572, February 2012.
Human re-identification through distance metric learning based on Jensen-Shannon kernel
Yoshihisa Ijiri,
Shihong Lao,
Tony X. Han,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2012, Vol.1, pp.603-612, February 2012.
Face recognition based on virtual frontal view generation using LVTM with local patches clustering
Xi Li,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Technical Report (PRMU), 111(430), pp.31-36, February 2012.
Detection of Inconsistency between Subject and Speaker based on the Co-occurrence of Lip Motion and Voice Towards Speech Scene Extraction from News Videos
Shogo Kumagai,
Keisuke Doman,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2011), pp.311-318, December 2011.
Low resolution QR-code recognition by applying super-resolution using the property of QR-codes
Yuji Kato,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2011), pp.992-996, September 2011.
Power-efficient hardware architecture of K-Means clustering with Bayesian-Information-Criterion processor for multimedia processing applications
Tse-Wei Chen,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 1(3), pp.357-368, September 2011.
mediaWalker: Tracking and browsing news video along the topic thread structure
Ichiro Ide,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Tomoyoshi Kinoshita,
Shinichi Satoh,
Hiroshi Murase,
Frank Nack Proceedings of the 11th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop (DIR2011), pp.67-68, February 2011.
Video Cooking: Towards the synthesis of multimedia cooking recipes
Keisuke Doman,
ChengYing Kuai,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM2011), Part II, LNCS 6524, pp.135-145, January 2011.
Accurate and Robust Attitude Estimation of a Moving Vehicle Using MEMS Gyroscopes and a Monocular Camera
Norimasa Kobori,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2010 Workshop on Picture Coding and Image Processing (WPCIP 2010), WP3-11, December 2010.
Untangling the semantic structure in a broadcast video archive
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of Workshop on Interactive Information Access: Untangling Tasks and Technologies, December 2010.
Multimedia supplementation to a cooking recipe text for facilitating its understanding to inexperienced users
Ichiro Ide,
Yuka Shidochi,
Yuichi Nakamura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2010), pp.242-247, December 2010.
Exploiting the chronological semantic structure in a large-scale broadcast news video archive for its efficient exploration
Ichiro Ide,
Tomoyoshi Kinoshita,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Mo,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conference (ASC) 2010, pp.996-1005, December 2010.
Analyzing and exploiting the semantic structures in a broadcast video archive
Ichiro Ide Invited Talk, December 2010.
井手 一郎 情報の科学と技術, 60(11), pp.452-457, November 2010.
Vehicle Ego-localization by Matching In-vehicle Camera Images to an Aerial Image
Masafumi Noda,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yoshiko Kojima,
Takashi Naito Proceedings of Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars (CVVT2010), November 2010.
Improvement of a traffic sign detector by retrospective gathering of training samples from in-vehicle camera image sequences
Daisuke Deguchi,
Keisuke Doman,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars (CVVT2010), November 2010.
Frontal Face Generation from Multiple Low-Resolution Non-Frontal Faces for Face Recognition
Yuki Kono,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Visual Surveillance 2010, November 2010.
陳 則瑋,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
出口 大輔,
井手 一郎,
村瀬 洋 第9回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2010)講演論文集, Vol.1, pp.415-416, September 2010.
Towards the production of a multimedia narration exploiting a broadcast video archive
Ichiro Ide Summer School on Multimedia Semantics (SSMS2010), September 2010.
Marker-Free Registration for Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy under Respiratory Motion
Marco Feuerstein,
Takamasa Sugiura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tobias Reichl,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Kensaku Mori Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR2010), LNCS 6326, pp.237-246, September 2010.
Removal of Moving Objects from a Street-View Image by Fusing Multiple Image Sequences
Hiroyuki Uchiyama,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 20th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), pp.3456-3459, August 2010.
Region-based image transform for transition between object appearances
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yuki Kono,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 20th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), pp.2106-2109, August 2010.
Efficient Facial Attribute Recognition with A Spatial Codebook
Yoshihisa Ijiri,
Shihong Lao,
Tony X. Han,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 20th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), pp.1461-1464, August 2010.
Classification of near-duplicate video segments based on their appearance patterns
Ichiro Ide,
Yuji Shamoto,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 20th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), pp.3129-3133, August 2010.
A Study on Fast K-Means Clustering with Hierarchical Data Sampling for Image Processing
Tse-Wei Chen,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical and Related Engineering 2010, N3-4, August 2010.
A Hilbert warping method for handwriting gesture recognition
Ikuhisa Mitsugami,
Masayuki Mukunoki,
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Hironori Hattori,
Michihiko Minoh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, June 2010.
光岡 聖悟,
目加田 慶人,
村瀬 洋 第16回画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII2010)講演論文集, IS4-7, June 2010.
PageRank with text similarity and video near-duplicate constraints for news story re-ranking
Shaomeng Wu,
Ichiro Ide,
Shinichi Satoh Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2010), Vol.5916, pp.533-544, January 2010.
Background Image Generation by Preserving Lighting Condition of Outdoor Scenes
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ikuhisa Mitsugami,
Masayuki Mukunoki,
Michihiko Minoh Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 2(1), pp.137-142, January 2010.
News topic tracking and re-ranking with query expansion based on near-duplicate detection
Shaomeng Wu,
Ichiro Ide,
Shinichi Satoh Proceedings of the 10th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2009), Advances in Multimedia Information Processing, Vol.5879, pp.755-766, December 2009.
Labeling News Topic Threads with Wikipedia Entries
Tomoki Okuoka,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Content-Based Audio/Video Analysis for Novel TV Services (CBTV2009), pp.501-504, December 2009.
CUDAプログラミング演習 はじめてのCUDA
出口 大輔,
二村 幸孝 名古屋GPUコンピューティングセミナー, December 2009.
Construction of cascaded traffic sign detector using generative learning
Keisuke Doman,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2009), December 2009.
Background Image Generation Keeping Lighting Condition of Outdoor Scenes
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Ikuhisa Mitsugami,
Masayuki Mukunoki,
Michihiko Minoh The 1st International Conference on Security Camera Network, Privacy Protection and Community Safety, October 2009.
井尻 善久,
勞 世竑,
村瀬 洋 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(PRMU), pp.97-102, October 2009.
Video querying
Ichiro Ide Encyclopedia of Database Systems, pp.3292-3296, October 2009.
Overview of the ACM Multimedia 2009 Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA'09)
Mutsuo Sano,
Ichiro Ide,
Kenzaburo Miyawaki Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2008), pp.1145-1146, October 2009.
Large-scale news topic tracking and key-scene ranking with video near-duplicate constraints
Shaomeng Wu,
Ichiro Ide,
Shinichi Satoh Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval Mining, pp.129-136, October 2009.
Mutsuo Sano,
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2009 Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2009), October 2009.
Finding Replaceable Materials in Cooking Recipe Texts Considering Characteristic Actions
Yuka Shidochi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2009 Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities (CEA2009), October 2009.
Background Estimation Based on Device Pixel Structure for Silhouette Extraction
Yasutomo Kawanishi,
Takuya Funatomi,
Koh Kakusho,
Michihiko Minoh The Ninth Asian Conference on Computer Vision, September 2009.
Automated Anatomical Labeling of Bronchial Branches Extracted from CT Datasets Based on Machine Learning and Combination Optimization and Its Application to Bronchoscope Guidance
Kensaku Mori,
Shunsuke Ota,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Yasuhito Suenaga,
Shingo Iwano,
Yoshinori Hasegawa,
Hirotsugu Takabatake,
Masaki Mori,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2009), LNCS 5762, Part II, pp.707-714, September 2009.
Low-resolution Character Recognition by Video-based Super-resolution
Ataru Ohkura,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2009), pp.191-195, July 2009.
Adaptive division of feature space for rapid detection of near-duplicate video segments
Ichiro Ide,
Shugo Suzuki,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2009), pp.694-697, July 2009.
A Multimodal Constellation Model for Object Category Recognition
Yasunori Kamiya,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2009), No.5371, pp.310-321, January 2009.
Generation of Templates for Low-Resolution Text Recognition Using a Hypothesis Graph
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 18(4), pp.638-642, December 2008.
Eigenspace Interpolation for Appearance-Based Object Recognition
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 19th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), December 2008.
A HilbertWarping Method for Camera-based Finger-writing Recognition
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 19th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), December 2008.
Browsing news stories along topic threads in a large-scale news video archive
Ichiro Ide The 2nd Microsoft Research Asia - Tsinghua Workshop on Internet Services, November 2008.
Video Based Face Recognition Using Face Manifold with View-dependent Covariance Matrix
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Indonesian Society on Computer and Information Sciences, September 2008.
Analysis of semantic structures in a large-scale news video archive for efficient information retrieval
Ichiro Ide UMIACS Computational Linguistics Colloquium Series, September 2008.
A Hilbert Warping Algorithm for Recognizing Characters from Moving Camera
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tomokazu Takahashi Proceedings of the 8th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS2008), pp.21-27, September 2008.
Ichiro Ide Proceedings of Multimedia Workshop on Hot Topics in Multimedia Research, June 2008.
Frame Registration of In-Vehicle Normal Camera with Omni-Directional Camera for Self-Position Estimation
Hiroyuki Uchiyama,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2008), June 2008.
Construction of Appearance Manifold with Embedded View-Dependent Covariance Matrix for 3D Object Recognition
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D, No.4, pp.1091-1100, April 2008.
Embedding View-dependent Covariance Matrix in Object Manifold for Robust Recognition
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 5th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA2008), pp.24-29, February 2008.
A Quick Search Method for Audio Signals Based on a Piecewise Linear Representation of Feature Trajectories
Akisato Kimura,
Kunio Kashino,
Takayuki Kurozumi,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE Transaction on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 16(2), pp.396-407, February 2008.
Cross-lingual retrieval of identical news events by near-duplicate video segment detection
Akira Ogawa,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM2008), Vol.4903, pp.287-296, January 2008.
Detection of Raindrops on a Windowshield from an In-vehicle Video Camera
Hiroyuki Kurihata,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yukimasa Tamatsu,
Takayuki Miyahara International Journal of Innovative Computing, Vol.3, 6(B), pp.1583-1591, December 2007.
[フェロー記念講演] 体験談:パターン認識の研究
村瀬 洋 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(PRMU), 107(384), pp.83-88, December 2007.
Interpolation between Eigenspaces Using Rotation in Multiple Dimensions
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2007), Vol.2, pp.774-783, November 2007.
Recognition of camera-captured characters in blurred image using motion-blur parameters
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PRIA2007), Vol.1, pp.126-130, October 2007.
Rain and Fog Recognition System Using Multiple In-vehicle Sensors
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Kenji Mori,
Hiroyuki Kurihata,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takayuki Miyahara,
Yukimasa Tamatsu Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, October 2007.
Fog Density Recognition by In-vehicle Camera and Millimeter Wave Radar
Kenji Mori,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takayuki Miyahara,
Yukimasa Tamatsu International Journal of Innovative Computing, 3(5), pp.1173-1182, October 2007.
Combining Three Different Types of Local Features for Generic Object Recognition
Yasunori Kamiya,
Yoshikazu Yano,
Shigeru Okuma,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition (KJPR2007), 107(281), pp.21-26, October 2007.
Recognition of character strings in low-quality images using character and inter-character space patterns
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ducument Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2007), Vol.1, pp.302-306, September 2007.
Recognition of 3D Objects in Various Capturing Conditions Using Appearance Manifold with Embedded Covariance Matrix
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Information Technology Letters, Vol.6, pp.233-236, September 2007.
mediaWalker: A video archive explorer based on time-series semantic structure
Ichiro Ide,
Tomoyoshi Kinoshita,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Shinichi Satoh,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2007), pp.162-163, September 2007.
Generation of Training Data by Degradation Models for Traffic Sign Symbol Recognition
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E90-D, No.8, pp.1134-1141, August 2007.
Genre-adaptive near-duplicate video segment detection
Ichiro Ide,
Kazuhiro Noda,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2007), pp.484-487, July 2007.
Name Identification of People in News Video by Face Matching
Ichiro Ide,
Takashi Ogasawara,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Vision meets Database (CVDB) 2007, pp.17-21, June 2007.
Measurement of Visibility Conditions toward Smart Driver Assistance for Traffic Signals
Application of pattern recognition techniques for ITS
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure, pp.209-216, December 2006.
井手 一郎 データベースとWeb情報システムに関するシンポジウム(DBWeb2006), November 2006.
Semantic analysis of a large-scale news video archive
Ichiro Ide,
Kazuhiro Noda,
Akira Ogawa,
Shinichi Satoh,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP) 2006, pp.166-171, November 2006.
Semantic analysis of a large-scale news video archive
Evaluation of a prostate biopsy strategy for cancer detection using a computer simulation system with virtual needle biopsy for three-dimensional prostate models
Masanori Noguchi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Kensaku Mori,
Yoshito Mekada,
Kei Matsuoka International Journal of Urology, 13(10), pp.1296-1303, October 2006.
Assembling personal speech collections by monologue scene detection from a news video archive
Ichiro Ide,
Naoki Sekioka,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR2006), pp.223-229, October 2006.
村瀬 洋 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(PRMU), PRMU, pp.105-110, September 2006.
3-D object recognition using appearance manifold with covariance matrix
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical and Related Engineering 2006, September 2006.
Visibility Estimation in Foggy Conditions by In-vehicle Camera and Radar
Kenji Mori,
Terutoshi Kato,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takayuki Miyahara,
Yukimasa Tamatsu Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol.2, August 2006.
Raindrop Detection from In-Vehicle Video Camera Images for Rainfall Judgment
Hiroyuki Kurihata,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yukimasa Tamatsu,
Takayuki Miyahara Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006), Vol.2, August 2006.
Pulmonary Artery and Vein Classification using Spatial Arrangement Features from X-ray CT Images
Yoshito Mekada,
Sho Nakamura,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Hideaki Otsuji Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement (APCCM2006), pp.232-235, August 2006.
Planning of Multiple Camera Arrangement for Object Recognition in Parametric Eigenspace
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Osanori Matsugano,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), Vol.1, pp.603-606, August 2006.
Identification of Degraded Traffic Sign Symbols by a Generative Learning Method
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), Vol.1, pp.531-534, August 2006.
Change Detection in Streetscapes from GPS Coordinated Omni-Directional Image Sequences
Junji Sato,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), Vol.4, pp.935-938, August 2006.
Probabilistic inference of gaze patterns and structure of multiparty conversations from hrad directions and utterances
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Junji Yamato,
Hiroshi Murase New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), pp.353-364, July 2006.
Probabilistic Inference of Gaze Patterns and Structure of Multiparty Conversations from Head Directions and Utterances
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Junji Yamato,
Hiroshi Murase New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), pp.353-364, July 2006.
Exploiting topic thread structures in a news video archive for the semi-automatic generation of video summaries
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Mo,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2006), pp.1473-1476, July 2006.
Conversation Scene Analysis with Dynamic Bayesian Network based on Visual Head Tracking
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Junji Yamato,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2006), July 2006.
Detection of liver cancer regions from dynamic CT images
Yuichiro Hayashi,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Kensaku Mori,
Yoshito Mekada,
Yasuhito Suenaga Proceedings of the 20th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2006), Vol.1, pp.524-525, June 2006.
Towards automatic video story generation by news topic threading
Ichiro Ide Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), April 2006.
Quantifying Interpersonal Influence in Face-to-Face Conversations based on Visual Attention Patterns
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Junji Yamato,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2006), pp.1175-1180, April 2006.
Spatiotemporal Density Feature Analysis to Detect Liver Cancer from Abdominal CT Angiography
Yoshito Mekada,
Yuki Wakida,
Yuichiro Hayashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2006), LNCS3852, pp.702-711, January 2006.
Development of a Virtual Needle Biopsy Simulation System for the Virtual Prostate
Daisuke Deguchi,
Kensaku Mori,
Yoshito Mekada,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Masanori Noguchi Systems and Computers in Japan, 37(1), pp.93-104, January 2006.
Metadata annotation through media integration
Ichiro Ide,
Reiko Hamada Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure -Distribution and International Collaboration of Large-scale Audio-visual Database-, pp.21-24, December 2005.
Cooking Navi: Assistant for daily cooking in kitchen
Reiko Hamada,
Jun Okabe,
Ichiro Ide,
Shinichi Satoh,
Shuichi Sakai,
Hidehiko Tanaka Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2005), pp.371-374, November 2005.
村瀬 洋 情報処理学会論文誌:コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア, Vol.46, SIG15(CVIM12), pp.35-42, October 2005.
trackThem: Exploring a large-scale news video archive by tracking human relations
Ichiro Ide,
Tomoyoshi Kinoshita,
Hiroshi Mo,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh Information Retrieval Technology, Vol.3689, pp.510-515, October 2005.
Automated Nomenclature of Bronchial Branches Extracted from CT Images and Its Application to Biopsy Path Planning in Virtual Bronchoscopy
Kensaku Mori,
Shinya Ema,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yasuhito Suenaga,
Hirotsugu Takabatake,
Masaki Mori,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2005), Part II, pp.854-861, October 2005.
A Probabilistic Inference of Multiparty-Conversation Structure Based on Markov-Switching Models of Gaze Patterns, Head Directions, and Utterances
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Junji Yamato,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI2005), pp.191-198, October 2005.
Recognition of low-resolution characters by a generative learning method
Hiroyuki Ishida,
Shinsuke Yanadume,
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Ichiro Ide,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR2005), pp.45-51, August 2005.
Pulmonary artery and vein classification method using spatial arrangement features from X-ray CT images
Sho Nakamura,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Hideaki Otsuji Proceedings of the 19th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2005), June 2005.
Probabilistic Inference of Gaze Patterns and Structure of Multiparty Conversations from Head Directions and Utterances
Kazuhiro Otsuka,
Yoshinao Takemae,
Junji Yamato,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Conversational Informatics, pp.7-12, June 2005.
Dynamically Visual Learning for People Identification with Sparsely Distributed Cameras
Hidenori Tanaka,
Itaru Kitahara,
Hideo Saito,
Hiroshi Murase,
Kiyoshi Kogure,
Norihiro Hagita Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA2005), June 2005.
A Method for Automated Segmentation of the Stomach and its Application for Navigated Diagnosis
Ryosuke Kono,
Yoshito Mekada,
Kensaku Mori,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Shigeru Nawano Proceedings of the 19th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2005), pp.149-153, June 2005.
A method for automated nomenclature of bronchial branches extracted from CT images
Kensaku Mori,
Shinya Ema,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Yoshito Mekada,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase,
Yasuhito Suenaga,
Hirotsugu Takabatake,
Masaki Mori,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 19th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2005), pp.86-91, June 2005.
Reiko Hamada,
Koichi Miura,
Ichiro Ide,
Shinichi Satoh,
Shuichi Sakai,
Hidehiko Tanaka Proceedings of the 5th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2004), Vol.3332, pp.657-664, November 2004.
Key image extraction from a news video archive for visualizing its semantic structure
Hiroshi Mo,
Fuminori Yamagishi,
Ichiro Ide,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh,
Masao Sakauchi Proceedings of the 5th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2004), Vol.3331, pp.650-657, November 2004.
Finding Corresponding Lung Nodules in Sequential Chest CT Images for Follow-up Surveillance
Yoshito Mekada,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Takashi Kusanagi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual System and Multimedia (VSMM2004), pp.68-74, November 2004.
High Quality Isosurface Generation from Volumetric Data and Its Application to Visualization of Medical CT Data
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tatsuhiro Yonekura Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Vol.3, pp.734-737, August 2004.
Topic threading for structuring a large-scale news video archive
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Mo,
Norio Katayama,
Shinichi Satoh Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3115, pp.123-131, July 2004.
An improved method for automated anatomical labeling of bronchial branches extracted from 3-D CT images
Shinya Ema,
Kensaku Mori,
Takayuki Kitasaka,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Masaki Mori,
Hirotsugu Takabatake,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2004), p.1358, June 2004.
VQ-Faces-Unsupervised Multi-View Face Recognition by Pairwise Clustering
Bisser Raytchev,
Hiroshi Murase,
Takahito Kawanishi Proceedings of the 6th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2005), pp.79-84, January 2004.
High Quality Isosurface Construction from Volumetric Data Sampled with A Face- Centered Cubic Lattic
Tomokazu Takahashi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Hiroshi Murase,
Tatsuhiro Yonekura Proceedings of the 6th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2005), Vol.2, pp.872-877, January 2004.
Sequential monte-carlo estimation of background image for background subtraction under changing illumination
Masaru Tsuchida,
Takahito Kawanishi,
Hiroshi Murase,
Shigeru Takagi Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP2003), pp.421-425, September 2003.
A Quick Search Method for Audio and Video Signals Based on Histogram Pruning
Kunio Kashino,
Takayuki Kurozumi,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, 5(3), pp.348-357, September 2003.
Unsupervised recognition of multi-view face sequences based on pairwise clustering with attraction and repulsion
Bisser Raytchev,
Hiroshi Murase Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol.91, 1/2, pp.22-52, July 2003.
Small cylindrical display for anthropomorphic agents
Takahito Kawanishi,
Masaru Tsuchida,
Shigeru Takagi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2003), II, pp.85-88, July 2003.
Dynamic-segmentation-based feature dimension reduction for quick audio/video searching
Akisato Kimura,
Kunio Kashino,
Takayuki Kurozumi,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2003), II, pp.389-392, July 2003.
A fast search algorithm for background music signals based on the search for numerous small signal components
Hidehisa Nagano,
Kunio Kashino,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2003), I, pp.165-168, July 2003.
村瀬 洋 第9回画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII2003)講演論文集, pp.249-258, June 2003.
Detection of small nodules from 3D chest X-ray CT images based on shape features
Yoshito Mekada,
Takashi Kusanagi,
Yosuke Hayase,
Kensaku Mori,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Kensaku Mori,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2003), pp.971-976, June 2003.
Correspondence off lung nodules in sequential chest CT images for quantification of the curative effect
Takashi Kusanagi,
Yoshito Mekada,
Junichiro Toriwaki,
Jun-ichi Hasegawa,
Masaki Mori,
Hiroshi Natori Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2003), pp.983-949, June 2003.