Contents Science Lab

Cooperative Research Fellow (Hiroshima City University)
E-Mail: mkastner ( a t )
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Dr. Marc A. Kastner received his BSc and MSc in Computer Science from Braunschweig University of Technology in Braunschweig, Germany, in 2013 and 2016, and his PhD in Informatics from the Graduate School of Informatics of Nagoya University, Japan in 2020. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute of Informatics, Japan. His research focuses on affective multimedia, language and vision and semantic gap problems.
In this research, we colorize pages of books according to human perception in order to summarize and compare book contents.
In this research, we incorporate psycholinguistics into image captioning in order to tailor captions to different applications.
In this research, we model the human perception of the semantic gap for use in affective computing.