Leveraging Similarity-Preserving Post-Training Quantization for Lightweight Crop Disease Detection
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
陳 則瑋,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro 第27回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2024) 論文集, August 2024.
Lightweight Maize Disease Detection through Post-Training Quantization with Similarity Preservation
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
陳 則瑋,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, June 2024.
Towards Similarity-Preserving Post-Training Quantization for Lightweight Maize Disease Detection
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
陳 則瑋,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro Image Engineering Symposium, March 2024.
Towards Similarity-Preserving Post-Training Quantization for Lightweight Maize Disease Detection
PADEIRO Carlos Victorino,
Tse-Wei Chen,
KOMAMIZU Takahiro,
IDE Ichiro Image Engineering Symposium, March 2024.
Power-efficient hardware architecture of K-Means clustering with Bayesian-Information-Criterion processor for multimedia processing applications
Tse-Wei Chen,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 1(3), pp.357-368, September 2011.
Power-efficient hardware architecture of K-Means clustering with Bayesian-Information-Criterion processor for multimedia processing applications
Tse-Wei Chen,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase IEEE J. on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, September 2011.
陳 則瑋,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
出口 大輔,
井手 一郎,
村瀬 洋 第9回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2010)講演論文集, Vol.1, pp.415-416, September 2010.
Hardware architecture of K-means clustering with Bayesian-information-criterion processor (in Japanese)
Tse-Wei Chen,
Chih-Hao Sun,
Hsiao-Hang Su,
Shao-Yi Chien,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proc. Ninth Forum on Information and Technology (FIT2010), September 2010.
A Study on Fast K-Means Clustering with Hierarchical Data Sampling for Image Processing
Tse-Wei Chen,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase Proceedings of Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical and Related Engineering 2010, N3-4, August 2010.
A study on fast k-means clustering with hierarchical data sampling for image processing
Tse-Wei Chen,
Daisuke Deguchi,
Ichiro Ide,
Hiroshi Murase 2010 Electric Engineering Related Society Tokai Sectors Joint Convention, August 2010.
Last updated: 2024-10-10 00:31:47.042158118 +0000 UTC m=+1.408377766.